First Time Buyer
Buying your first home is one of the most exciting and emotionally charged events of your life. However, there are a lot of things our mortgage company can help you think about as you go through the process to make sure…Read More »
Next Home Buyer
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the ‘next step’ of home purchasing…your next home. This is usually just as exciting as buying your first home since you can…Read More »
Investment Properties
Over the past 100 years, owning rental properties has been one of the top three creators of wealth in America (along with owning a business and inheritance). Since most people don’t have the luxury of the other two wealth creators, using investment property loans to purchase investment properties has proven…Read More »
Reverse Home Buyer
Even though using a reverse mortgage to purchase a home has been around for nine years, most homebuyers aren’t aware that it is available – but there has been a recent surge in popularity over the past few years due to…Read More »
Vacation Homes
Whether you plan on buying a second home in Tahoe, the beach, or across the country, this has to be the most exciting purchase in your life! The fundamental home buying process doesn’t change for a vacation home (pre-approval, finding a realtor, going through the buying process), but cash flow is…Read More »
Home Buying Resources
Whether it is your first, second, or seventh, buying a home is very exciting. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of …Read More »
Find Out About Our Zero Closing Cost Loan Program
2000 Broadway St.
Redwood City, CA 94063
5170 Golden Foothills Pkwy
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
2173 Salk Avenue Suite 250
Carlsbad, CA 92008
[email protected]
CA Bur of Real Estate - Real Estate Broker - Broker#01514348.
NMLS#: 780963
These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.
Any rates quoted are not guaranteed and are subject to market fluctuations.